Live Promoter
Live Promoter Expresses Emotions After Live Gigs Return

A Belfast live music promoter has expressed his delight at returning live performances following a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19.

The Custom House Square booker, said: “We haven’t done an outdoor show on this site for two years now, so to be here today, gearing up for this show, is a really big deal.”

“Already there is a queue of people getting vaccinations done and to be honest, it’s pretty emotional to be back and to see everyone hard at work and feeling so excited about the opening show.”

“I’ve been doing this now for 16 years but some of the people on site have been doing it for 40 years. The biggest problem for us over the last year and a half has been that we wanted to work and weren’t able to.”

“We love what we do and get enjoyment and dignity from our work, so it was very difficult to have that taken away from us.”